COVID-19 Appointment Update

COVID-19 Appointment Update


Dear patients, please ask yourself the following before booking an appointment:

1. Have you returned from overseas in the last 14 days?
2. Have you been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person?
3. Do you have symptoms of fever, cough, cold, flu or diarrhoea?

If YES to any of these, we strongly request you DO NOT come into the practice, but rather ask our receptionist over the phone to book a Telehealth consult. This means one of our GP’s will call you on your best contact number at your appointment time regarding your symptoms and advise you on what to do.

If NO to any of these, our GP’s can still offer you a Telehealth call where they will call you and assist you with anything you need.

Please note you are still our top priority and we will continue to provide care through these tough times.

We appreciate your cooperation in protecting yourself and others. If you have any queries regarding this, please call us on 9831 8811 before coming into the practice.