Diabetes Clinic And COPD Clinics

We run a diabetes clinic every week where our focus is to optimise your diabetes care, and to screen for, and treat any complications of diabetes through both medical and educational services. Our doctors in the clinic work closely with diabetics educators, nurses, dietitians and podiatrists, ultimately to help you get the best out of your life. We also run case conferences with the diabetic clinic in Blacktown Hospital. Call us now on (02) 98318811 to book your diabetes check up today. When you are attending your appointment, please bring all your current medications so we can thoroughly review your health.
Please note that if you are booked in for an appointment for the diabetes clinic, you will only be seen regarding your diabetes. If you wish to discuss any other issues, please book in a separate appointment for that issue.
We also run a COPD clinic every week, where we offer pulmonary function testing as well as other respiratory assessments for a range of diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and occupational lung diseases. On top of a thorough assessment, we provide patient education, maintenance/follow-up of your respiratory disease, counselling on smoking cessation and spirometry testing. Call us now on (02) 98318811 to book your appointment with the doctor today to discuss any concerns you have regarding your respiratory health. When you attend your appointment please bring all your medications so we can thoroughly review your health.
Please note that if you are booked in for an appointment for the COPD clinic, you will only be seen regarding your COPD. If you wish to discuss any other issues, please book in a separate appointment for that issue.